A journey through local music scenes in the American heartland as heard from a bicycle.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix, Arizona

Fri, Nov 5, 2010
Mesa, Arizona
90 and sunny.


Phoenix, Arizona. It never rains, yet somehow they have a million golf courses and everyone has grass.

As soon as we dropped down into the desert on the eastern side of Phoenix, the temperature jumped from 50 to 90 degrees. We'd woken up in a frozen tent that morning in the Tonto National Forest, which may or may not have been closed for the season. The whole day was pretty much spent downhill.

The most exciting moment of the trip for me occurred while filming this shot:

Into Phoenix

That's me up on the roof of the van at 45mph, holding on with one hand to the luggage rail, and the other to the camera. The cyclists generally got to have more excitement than Mallette (our production coordinator) and I, but this was one opportunity to feel like I was having an adventure too.

After arriving in Phoenix, we were able to check out two local bands, Snakes Snakes Snakes and What Laura Says Thinks and Feels. Shout out to the people at Zia Records for letting us crash their store for the evening. 

You can check out the music in our final webisode, or do yourself a favor and check their myspaces right now!

- Dry Bones

Pop Culture Reference for Google: Steve Nash

Distance Biked: 204 miles (That's four 100 miles days in a row. But who's counting? Not us.)

Distance Biked to Date: 2670 miles