Hold on, hold on- we're workin' on it! See, that's Flamingo Pink! in that photo below. We'll write about the performance soon. Right now we're going swimming in the neighbor's pool.
Pop Culture Reference for Google: Lady Gaga
Hold on, hold on- we're workin' on it! See, that's Flamingo Pink! in that photo below. We'll write about the performance soon. Right now we're going swimming in the neighbor's pool.
Pop Culture Reference for Google: Lady Gaga
You're all addicted to the internet and all that other crazy digital noise. Go outside and ride your bikes.
We apologize for the every-other-day approach to the blog recently, but the West has been winning.
It's Dry Bones again, and I'm blogging because the cyclists are out on another long, narrow stretch of road - this time between Clayton and Springer, New Mexico.
That's a joke because the town is called Liberal.
Pop Culture Reference for Google: Jonas Brothers
Distance Biked: 60 miles
Distance Biked to Date: 1802 miles
Dodge City holds a romanticized, hallowed place in American mythology. The former booze and gamblin' capital of the Old West was once stomping grounds for the likes of Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, and numerous other "lawmen". Even Dennis Hopper was born there.
For any interesting information please see Wichita or Lawrence posts.
I could bore y`all with quips and stories of when I thought I saw a bear, but they'd be lies. I bore myself talking about the riding portion and the roads and the mileage again and again and again. That simply cannot be interesting to the couple people who decide to read this. Can it?
Let me paint a picture for you: